Food Plots
The Bronzeback Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank is a 190.6 acre area of land located in Ogle County, Illinois, owned by the GBG Family Limited Liability Partnership. The Bank offers both stream and wetland credits for sale. The work for this project began in 2017. After several years of planning, permitting, studies, documentation and approvals, the Banking Instrument was approved in 2020. Phase I of the Bank commenced construction in autumn of 2021, and was completed in December 2021. The Bank's initial credits were released in March 2021.
If you have a project requiring credits, we can help.
For further information, call Guy at 815-275-6166.
Mitigation Bank Service Area
The Bronzeback Stream and Wetland Mitigation bank is part of the Northern Service Area (blue), Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District.
Groundwater Wells - Monitoring
Groundwater levels are monitored using both manual read and electronic read wells.
Barometric Pressure Monitor
Along with the groundwater readings, barometric pressure readings are recorded and used to compensate the groudwater well data. This ensures the most accurate readings.
Construction - Bank Shaping
In order to restore the streambank, construction included many areas of bank shaping to reconnect the flood plain to the Leaf River.
Shown in photo: Mark Meade Excavators, Inc.
Construction - Riffle Structures
Riffle structures were placed at various intervals in the river.
Shown in photo: Mark Meade Excavators, Inc.
Construction - Leaf River
During construction, the old scars which emerged over many years were erased and the streambank was restored for Phase I of the Bronzeback Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank.
​Shown in photo: Mark Meade Excavators, Inc.
Riffle Structure - Post Construction
A completed riffle structure showing the water elevation change, as well as the bank stabilization and the erosion control measures in place.
Winter Seeding - via drill
There are seven plant communities represented throughout the Bronzeback wetland. They include: Savanna, Mesic Prairie, Wet Mesic Prairie, Wet Prairie, Sedge Meadow, Shallow Marsh, and Riverine Backwater.
Winter Seeding - by hand
Certain areas of the Bronzeback wetland required hand seeding.
Completed Riffle Structure
This beautiful riffle structure is the first in a series placed in the Leaf River throughout the Bronzeback project. Through heavy spring rains, the riffle structures have successfully reduced the flow of water upstream allowing for sediment to drop out of the water column. This improves the river's water quality and clarity and allows for aquatic vegetation and sight feeders to colonize areas of the Leaf River. Additionally, deep pools will provide habitat for many species of fish.
Riffle Pool & Surrounding Wetland
The riffle pool created behind each riffle structure in the river creates a habitat for fish and other aquatic species to live and thrive. The erosion control blankets on the newly shaped banks provide stability until the wetland plants are fully established. This spring 2022 photo shows the wetland plants emerging from the successful winter seeding completed in December 2021. The banks have been shaped to reconnect the flood plain which provides habitat for waterfowl and other animals.